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Please watch this space for exciting Asset Management Content!
In this strange time, community is very important. To help us stay in touch with our colleagues and share some much needed ‘face time’ with the people we usually spend 9 hours a day with we decided to host our very first AWM Quiz night. We can assure you that it won’t be the last.
Ascot Wealth Management Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority reference 551744. Our registered office: Scotch Corner, London Road, Sunningdale, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 0ER. Registered in England No. 7428363. Unless otherwise stated, the information in this document was valid on 3rd February 2017. Not all the services and investments described are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Tax, trust and company administration services are not authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The services described may not be suitable for all and you should seek appropriate advice. This document is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purpose or sale of any financial instrument by Ascot Wealth Management Limited. The information and opinions expressed herein are considered valid at publication, but are subject to change without notice and their accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. No part of this document may be reproduced in any manner without prior permission. © 2017 Ascot Wealth Management Ltd. Please note: This website uses cookies. To continue to use this website, you are giving consent to cookies being used.
The complexity, sophistication and sheer volume of tax legislation, case law and practice have increased exponentially over the last decade or so, and most taxpayers are not even sure what they need to be aware of and what they can do to mitigate their liabilities. For this reason, we have decided to host a tax power session to address all the concerns you may have.
Join us on the 4th or 6th of July for an informative tax-related power session, where you will have access to AWM’s award-winning qualified and experienced advisers and gain deeper insight into how you can easily integrate tax strategies into a diversified financial plan.
We will post more information on the topics we will be discussing in these sessions. Topics include Retirement Planning Strategies, early Inheritance Tax Planning and the new world of Enterprise Investment Schemes (EIS) and Venture Capital Trusts (VCT) – both government approved tax efficient investments. This will be your opportunity to receive easy-to-follow guidance on these tax matters. Invite your friends and family for an informative few hours where you will gain deeper insight into the complicated world of tax.
The Christmas jumpers have come out, the eggnog has been poured and the festive lights are illuminating the neighbourhood. Yes, it is that time of the year again – The time for families to come together and make memories that will last a lifetime.
We asked some of our employees what their favourite Christmas memory or tradition is. Compliance Manager, Maddie, told a story about how they take a pre-Christmas lunch stroll every year to prepare themselves for the pigs in a blanket they are about to have. On the other side of the world in South Africa, Global Wealth Manager Greg, also shares an anecdote that involves his favourite festive food, something that seems to be the main feature in everyone’s holiday tradition. He tells the story of how his family debates around the Christmas table on the proportions of the crackling from the gammon every year.
We are sure Wealth Manager Assistant, Connor, would’ve appreciated some crackling in his tree house circa 2004, when he spent the remainder of his December holiday up there after his dad surprised them on Christmas morning with a tree house in the back garden. Wealth Manager Assistant Emilie reminisces about her ‘Broadway’ days as she and her cousins would put on a Christmas play for their family every year.
Growing up in China, Wealth Manager, Difang did not celebrate Christmas, however, she still holds fond memories of the holiday season as they celebrate Chinese New Year in January or February depending on the lunar calendar. She recalls one of her fondest childhood memories as receiving Ya Sui Qian (pocket money wrapped in a red envelope) from all her relatives and having a big family dinner on Chinese New Year’s eve, before watching the Spring Festival Gala on television.
No matter how you decide to celebrate the holiday season, there is no denying that it is a special time of the year
So from our family to yours, Merry Christmas!
Sometimes it can seem like your children or grandchildren have every new toy and book on the market, so when it’s time to buy them a present you have no idea where to start. Why not get them a Junior ISA? While it may not be the most exciting present for a child to receive, it will most certainly be the most valuable.
With house prices and university fees on the rise, it’s never been more important to start putting money aside for a child’s future. Junior ISAs are locked away until the child reaches the age of 18. After that, they can convert it to a cash ISA if they don’t use it for university fees. Anyone can contribute to the Junior ISA – a great option for friends and relatives looking to gift money to a child, as a child is only allowed to have one cash JISA.
Also for you to gift the money it also acts as a great start to any inheritance tax plan. Everyone is able to gift up to £3,000 per year without facing any inheritance tax charges. Another allowance you could use is small cash gifts where you can gift up to £250 to as many people as you like during the tax year, as long as that person hasn’t been the recipient of your £3,000 gift. Both of these are exempt gifts and you don’t need to declare anything to HMRC if you remain within these allowances.
With Christmas right around the corner, this may just be the perfect gift!
Did you know you could claim salary sacrifice on up to £500 per annum spent on pension advice?
Launched in November 2017, the pension advice voucher scheme is a government initiative to encourage employees to seek good quality pension advice. The scheme is backed by HMRC and is similar to that of the child care voucher or cycle to work scheme. It would be deemed a non-taxable benefit in kind.
To make use of the tax saving you would need to sacrifice up to £500 of your pay in return for the pension advice voucher. The voucher can then be used on the purchase of pension advice; this can be used on your personal pension planning or related to your workplace scheme.
Your tax bracket will determine how much the pension advice voucher actually costs you, by saving on income tax and national insurance.
A £500 pension advice voucher could cost the following:
Additional rate tax payers: £265
The only provider of the voucher so far is VouchedFor. There has been a slow take up in the scheme. We believe this could be due to a lack of communication, the off putting administrative burden and lastly the potential concern for employer’s that their employee may seek bad advice.
However you are free to choose your financial adviser, this is not selected by the employer. Therefore you can use Ascot Wealth Management and we are here to help.
Below we have broken down the actions required:
1)Employee agrees to sacrifice up to £500 of salary (which would have been taxed).
2)Pension advice vouchers confirm with the adviser that the employee has paid for pension advice, or is committed to.
3)Employer approves request and transfers funds via Pension Advice Vouchers (which is not taxable).
Employees pay less for pension advice via the tax saving.
Note: Ascot Wealth Management is happy to use this voucher towards future adviser fees. Please get in touch with us if in receipt of a pension advice voucher.
With the 2018 FIFA World Cup semi-finals underway, the coaches of the world’s greatest teams are on tenterhooks, eager to see whether the many hours of intense preparation will propel their teams to victory. And there’s a lot in common between a football coach and a financial adviser.
The value of a good football coach is similar to that of a good financial adviser. It’s about their understanding of strengths and weaknesses, and their ability to put a strategic plan in place that will deliver winning goals.
The right sports coach gives you insight into both your growth potential and your limitations, and will also help you identify and take advantage of all the opportunities ahead. Similarly, the right financial adviser looks at the reality of your finances, including the risks and barriers to reaching your goals, and helps you gear your money toward wealth creation and peace of mind.
The same way that a coach would not send you into a game unprepared, a good financial adviser would not encourage an expensive holiday when you are struggling to manage debt repayments.
Honesty is key in these relationships. When a coach asks players to disclose injuries, it is to prevent further harm. It’s also why financial advisers need to have the full picture of your financial status and goals – expenses, debt, income and financial aspirations.
Good coaches also understand that ‘practice makes perfect’. In life, the better you know your own money habits and the more committed you are to achieving your financial goals, the more prepared you will be for any financial season – come World Cup tournament or friendly match.
At Ascot Wealth Management our coaches/advisers are in for the long haul and we are wanting to form long term relationships with our clients rather than just for one season.
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Ascot Wealth Management Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority reference number 551744.
Ascot Wealth Management Limited is a registered limited company. Company Number: 07428369