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Searching for protection products can be a very tedious and time consuming exercise, dredging through the jargon packed T’s&C’s and attempting to make a clear comparison between policies is not an easy task. That’s what we are here for but before we get into those details it’s important to understand the different types of protection and what sort of protection is needed for your individual situation.

Catriona has decided to offer an informative session on the broad topic of protection to help you make an informed decision on the types of cover you may need, be it for yourself or for your business.
She will be touching on the following aspects of protection:

What will be covered?

  • Overview of the types of protection

  • Term/Decreasing Term Assurance

  • Critical Illness cover

  • Income Protection

  • Whole of Life

  • Scenarios in which protection is advisable (inheritance tax, mortgages, single parents etc)

  • Reviewing historical policies

Those who register to the event will be sent a link to the webinar a day prior to the event.


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