Building A Strong Retirement Plan – WEBINAR ALERT
On the 24th of November, Greg Armstrong one of our trusted Financial Advisers, has decided to offer his wealth of knowledge on retirement planning to those of you who are wanting to build a sound and solid foundation of security for your future.
Retirement is inevitable and it is one of those stages in life that can be very daunting to most. So building a solid foundation right from your first contribution is one of the key aspects of financial planning. If you have just started to save for retirement or if you are wanting to build onto your current retirement plan, then this webinar is for you. By attending this webinar you will get a better understanding of what you need to do in order to achieve your retirement goals.
What will be covered
- Key assumptions to take into account
- How these assumptions are changing
- What factors to take into account (Age, income needed, key events and more)
- Scenario-based planning
- Maintaining and managing your retirement
Join Greg on the 24th of November for 45 minutes to and 1 hour of learning how to build up a strong retirement plan to suit your needs.
Those who register to the event will be sent a link to the webinar a day prior to the event reminder emails leading up to the event with the webinar links attached.
Please email for any questions.