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How Catriona's foster dog makes her a better Financial Adviser

Today, we dive into the life of one of our superwomen Advisers, Catriona aka Cat. Cat has been a part of AWM for over 5 years now (Insert Applause) and is an important asset to the AWM Team. She is an AWM Superstar and now dog foster mum, read her article on how her Dog, Datsun, enriches her ‘work from home’ life.

Did you spot this article on the citywire website earlier this month?

Owner: Catriona McCarron, wealth manager at Ascot Wealth Management

Name of pet: Datsun

Breed: He’s a rescued Mastin cross (no idea what he’s crossed with!)

Age: 15 months

Funniest thing he’s done? We have family in Whitstable, which is along the Kent coast. We took Datsun there when the lockdown began to ease, and it was his first time seeing the sea. At first, he was really unsure about whether he should go in, but with a bit of persuasion and following us in he eventually did. When he did get in however, he decided all of the seaweed in the water needed to be back on the beach. He spent a good twenty minutes pulling it all out and dredged this small part of the Kentish coast! It was fun, until we had the job of throwing it back in…

How has your pet made you a better wealth manager? Datsun has kept me company since working from home became my norm in March. He’s made me a better wealth manager by encouraging me away from my desk at lunchtime and getting out for walks. Taking time to reflect on the day is so important, and some of my best ideas have been thought up on a lunchtime dog walk. Additionally he’s been a great tool for combating loneliness. My partner works for the NHS, so it has been business as normal since lockdown. It’s easy to find yourself talking to appliances when working alone, so at least I can talk to Datsun instead!


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